
Sep 24, 2011

Story About Muna Madan - Laxmi Pr. Devkota

Name : Laxmi Prasad Devkota
Born : 1909  in Kathmandu, Nepal
Died : 1959
Occupation : Poet and Scholar
Nationality : Nepalese
Play Muna Madan Song
Story About Muna Madan

“My pain falls with my tears
but tears do not speak
and the thoughts stay within the mind.
Even tears do not speak.”
“You flowered upon the moon,
why do you forget that I will be returning?
For twenty days I will stay in Lhasa
I will travel twenty days on the road.
The cranes will return again
in the morning of a great day.
Smile at me, for if you would smile
I could raise myself to Heaven.
My intentions are to achieve or to die
so do not put a barrier of tears upon the road.”
“You tighten the knot inside my heart.
Do not return then, I will draw an unforgettable
picture of your face for remembrance.
The maidens of Lhasa dance,
they seem as if they are carved of gold,
their voices laugh like the streams,
and flowers bloom upon their cheeks
as they play on the hills and fields.
Leave my love, darkening the home and the city,
even tears do not have strength.
Maybe in darkness, memories will gleam
or flash like lightning.
And sorrow shower upon my clothes.
Madan leaves for Lhasa. After making a fortune he is returning home when he falls ill with cholera. His companions abandon him, but a kindly Tibetan nurses him back to health. Madan wants to thank him by giving him some of his gold, but the Tibetan refuses material rewards.
“What will I do with yellow gold?
My children can neither eat nor wear this gold.
My wife is dead, she is in the heavens,
the clouds are her decorations,
her jewels and gold.”
Madan reaches home, his mother is unconscious and dying.
After her death, Madan looks for Muna, but can neither find her nor
any news of her. So he goes to his sister for information.
“Your Muna went to her parents in sorrow,
when you left and did not come back.
“She left my mother alone?
How could she leave her when I was gone?”
“Muna went away from us
when she was ill herself.
So your mother sickened among her daughters
and became as a carved diamond.”
“How is Muna, who has been to see her?
who has given my Muna water to drink?”
“She does not need water, she is cured and healed,
she does not need medicinal herbs.
And my love, I would have met her
but I could not find a road to take me
to her parents’ home.”
“If she is healed why doesn’t she return,
why doesn’t she come back?”
“She searches for roads but there are no roads
to lead her back from her parents’ home.”
“This is strange, which parents’ home?”
“Over the clouds, in the city that is heavy with light.”
“My sister, tell me Muna is here.
Tell me she is upon this earth.
Tell me when she will be back.”
“She lives across the river. On the other side.
But she laughs with the flowers, dances with water,
blinks with the stars, speaks with the blackbird, and her eyes, they shine.
She weeps with the dew and when she is sad
you will see the mist sinking.”
“She is not dead, tell me she lives
tell me she is at her parents’ home.
The root of my hopes,
the wings of my mind, tell me Muna is here.
Tell me when she will be back!”
“She is not here, on this side of the earth.
She lives where sorrow does not stain,
across imagination she picks flowers of happiness
in the gardens of Heaven.”
“Cruel sister your words are death.
Letting the buds of hope open, bloom
and sway before my eyes. Making ears
swallow gulps of poison.
Muna, O Muna you were the temple of worship
and the chains of life.
Life, why did you leave?”
“Do not look upon this earth Muna
I am also coming.
With tokens of tears,
with the jewels of love
that you left behind.”

Sep 21, 2011

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Sep 18, 2011

earth quake hits nepal different part

६.८को ताप्लेजुङ-सिक्किम सीमामा पहिलो भूकम्प। त्यसपछि १५ वटा ससाना भूकम्प। ती मध्ये ठूलो ४.८ को- राष्ट्रिय भूकम्प मापन केन्द्र 
Earthquake measuring 6.8 Richter scale hits Nepal in NST time, 6:25 PM. The center of earthquake was in Sikkim.
Image TV को भिडियोमा बेलायती दूतावासको पर्खाल भत्किएको, कार र बाइक बिग्रिएको। ४ घाइते, २ गम्भीर
ताप्लेजुङका पहाडी गाउँहरुमा अधिकांश घर भत्कियोः KTV
KTV airs video of inside view of CA Hall, भूकम्प आउँदा बैठक जारी थियो, सभामुखको कुर्सी हल्लियो, सभासदहरु भागाभाग 
संखुवासभा २ मिनेट गयो, १३ घर क्षति, डेढ सय घर चर्किएको, वाणिज्य बैँक र प्रहरी कार्यालय, सशस्त्र प्रहरी बस्ने घर भत्किएको छ- KTV 

आइतबार साँझ गएको भूकम्पमा परी ५ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । काठमाडौंमा तीन जना र धरानमा दुई जनाको मृत्यु भएको हो 

सुनसरीमा घरबाट निस्कने क्रममा किचेर सन्तोष परियार र कमल परियारको मृत्यु भएको : प्रहरी #sept18quake (via @salokya)

फलोअपः १ असोज, काठमाडौं । आइतबार साँझ काठमाडौंसहित देशका विभिन्न स्थानमा गएको शक्तिलशाली भूकम्पमा परि पाँच जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । साँझ ६ बजेर २५ मिनेट ४८ सेकेण्डमा ६ दशमलव ८ रिक्टर स्केलको भूकम्प गएको भूगर्भ तथा खानी विभागले जनाएको छ ।
काठमाडौं प्रहरीका अनुसार बेलायती दूताबासको पर्खाल भत्किएर ३ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । गोर्खा हुम्लीचोक- ६ का ३६ वर्षीय साजन श्रेष्ठ, उनकी ८ वर्षीया छोरी अनिषा श्रेष्ठ र सिन्धुली मरिनका वीरबहादुर माझी रहेका छन् । घटनामा घाइते भएका उनीहरुको मनमोहन मेमोरियल अस्पतालमा उपचारका क्रममा मृत्यु भएको हो । अन्य तीन जनाको अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको अस्पतालले जनाएको छ ।
यस्तै धरानको २ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । घर भत्किएर विमल र सन्तोष परियारको मृत्यु भएको हो । वीर अस्पतालमा भगदौड मच्चिँदा १५ जना घाइते भएका छन् संखुवासभामा एक प्रहरी जवान घाइते भएका छन् ।
भूकम्पको धक्काको स्तर देखाउने तस्वीरः अमेरिकी भूगर्भ विभाग
प्राप्त समाचार अनुसार पार्साको रानीगंज दरवार भत्किएको छ भने लमजुङको बाहुन डाँडामा एक घर भत्किएको छ । ताप्लेजुङका थुपै घर भत्किएको छ । संखुवासभामा १६ घर भत्किएको छ यस्तै जिल्ला विकास समिति, प्रहरी र बाणिज्य बैंकको कार्यालय भत्किएको छ भने भत्तपुरमा सात बटा घरमा क्षति पुगेको छ ।
भूकम्पको केन्द्रविन्दु भारतको सिक्किमको सिमा जोडिएको ताप्लेजुङको पूर्वी सिमा रहेको भूगर्भविद पृथ्वी श्रेष्ठले जानकारी दिनुभयो । अमेरिकी भूगर्भ विभागले जारी गरेको तस्वीर अनुसार भूकम्पको केन्द्रविन्दु सिक्किमसँग सिमा जोडिएको ताप्लेजुङ देखाएको छ ।
भूकम्पले राजधानीमा घरहरु हल्लिएको थियो । त्यसपछि सार्वसाधारण अत्तालिंदै घर बाहिर भागाभाग भएको थियो । लामो समयपछि काठमाण्डौंमा भूकम्पको धक्का महसुस गरेकाहरु भूकम्प आएको हो कि हैन यनिक गर्न नसकि झ्यालबाट चियाइरहेका देखिन्थे । भूकम्पको धक्का सहसुस गर्दा संसद भवनमा रहेका सभासदहरुबीच पनि भागाभाग भएको थियो । त्यसक्रममा सभामुखले १५ मिनेट संसद बैठक स्थगित गर्नु भएको थियो ।(via online khabar)

भूकम्पले थर्कियो मुलुक ( earthquake in nepal)

देशभरि भुकम्पको ठूलो धक्का अनुभव गरिएको छ। भुकम्प उच्च जोखिम भएका असन र इन्द्र चोकका घरका पर्खाल र झ्याल चर्किए पनि मानवीय क्षति भएको छैन। लैनचौरमा भुकम्पले पर्खाल भत्काउँदा ४ जना घाइते भएका छन्। घाइतेलाई मनमोहन मेमोरियल अस्पताल भर्ना गरिएको छ। सिक्किम केन्द्रबिन्दु भएको ६.८ रेक्टर स्केलको भुकम्पले पूर्वी पहाडी जिल्लाहरुमा बढी असर पुग्न सक्ने अनुमान गरिए पनि फोन सम्पर्क अवरुद्ध हुँदा विवरण प्राप्त गर्न कठिनाइ भइरहेको छ। via nagarik

Sep 8, 2011

9 Reasons to Switch from Facebook to Google+

Can Google+ steal users from Facebook? Yep. There are good reasons to switch from Facebook to Google+, ranging from ease-of-use to respect for data privacy. When people ask “can Google+ beat Facebook?” they’re misstating the question. It’s not about one site versus another site. Google+ is bigger than that. The reason Google calls it the “Google+ Project” is that Google+ will become a central part of Google’s whole identity. It will reshape the company. So the real question is “can Google beat Facebook?” Put that way, the contest seems a lot more even. Facebook, of course, has a huge head start, but there are good reasons for people to seriously consider dumping Facebook for Google+

1.Integration with Google services The biggest wedge Google has for driving people toward using Google+ is integration. That is, Google will build Google+ social networking features and tools into almost all of its existing online services from Search to Documents to Video (YouTube). Google+ is already integrated into the navigation bar at the top right of almost all Google products; this lets you monitor all Google+ events (updates, messages, etc.) as well as share content with friends without ever leaving the Google service you happen to be using. Millions and millions of people use Google's free services (Gmail, Docs, Search, etc.), and with Google+ bound so tightly to them it may start to seem silly to jump out to some other site (Facebook) to do your social networking.

  2. Better Friend Management Google is right that the “Circles” concept is more in line with the way we make friends in real life. We have many different kinds of friends, and we interact with them and communicate with them in very different ways. Facebook’s Groups feature lets you form ad hoc groups of friends, but compared to the way its done in Google+ it seems cumbersome. After all, Facebook’s Groups feature is pretty new; it was “built on”, while friend "circles" are the bedrock of the Google+ platform.

  3. Better Mobile App If you're an Android user, you may find that getting content from your phone to your social platform is easier, cleaner more functional with the Google+ mobile app. The app is already great, but Google will seek more and more ways to make your Android phone a seemless appendage of your Google+ social platform. Google hopes to use its huge Android user base as a wedge against Facebook, whose mobile app, while nice-looking, is a little clunky to use.

  4. Easier to Find Stuff to Share Google+'s Sparks feature is another important differentiator from Facebook. Spark is Google leveraging its search engine to do something Facebook can’t do—give users an instant wellspring of relevant information to share with friends. Because Facebook has no search engine, its users must leave the site to find shareable data or wait for their friends the share it with them. The question "how do I find stuff to share" is immediately answered with Sparks. Related Slideshow: Google+ vs. Facebook: See How They Compare

  5. You Can Get Your Data Back Facebook is notorious for its poor stewardship of personal data. You are forced to make certain parts of your personal data "public" for example, and It is very hard to permanently delete your Facebook profile. Google, on the other hand, makes it possible for you to pick up all the data you’ve banked at Google+ and walk away. This is done through a Google+ tool called “Data Liberation.” With just a few clicks you can download data from your Picasa Web Albums, Google profile, Google+ stream, Buzz and contacts.

  6. Better Photo Tagging When viewing photos in Google+ you can “tag” the people in them similar to the way you do in Facebook. You draw a little square around a person's face, then type in their name in the box below it (or choose one of the names Google+ guesses). But there’s a big difference in the way Google handles the privacy aspect of photo tagging. When you tag someone, you see this note: “Adding this tag will notify the person you have tagged. They will be able to view the photo and the related album.” Facebook, on the other hand, does not make an effort to warn people the they’ve been tagged (possibly in an unflattering or compromising photo) and give them an immediate chance to remove the tag. Also, Google has wisely decided to shy away from using facial recognition software, which Facebook now uses to automatically identify people in photos uploaded to user albums.

  7. Strong Group Chat Features Google+ has Facebook beat in the area of chat. Forming ad hoc group video chats using the Hangouts feature in Google+ is easy, and forming ad hoc groups for a little chat seems like a natural and fun thing to do in a social networking setting. Similarly, the new Huddle mobile app makes it easy for mobile (Android) users to start up group text chats. Facebook simply doesn't offer these tools. 8. Safer Content Sharing Privacy advocates have long called for social networking sites to let users assign a privacy level to each piece of content they share, instead of using a pre-set list privacy settings to govern all shares. Google obviously heard those calls, and built the capability into Google+. For instance, when I share an article or upload a camera image, Google+ gives me choices of which friend circles I’d like to share that content with. Advantage Google+.

  9. Google Is a Better Steward of Your Personal Data Running a social network is all about responsible stewardship of users' personal information. Facebook is a young, fast moving company that has proved itself to be cavalier in its movements, lacking in respect for user data privacy, and accident prone. Google on the other hand, is a far more mature company that is, I would argue, seen as more trustworthy than Facebook. For the most part, Google has lived up to its “Don’t Be Evil” slogan. Which company would you rather have as the steward of your personally identifiable information? ( By Mark Sullivan)